Volunteer Naval Force

Volunteer Naval Force
The Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force is the main arm of the Sri Lanka Navy in the civilian sphere with Naval Training vigilant in readiness to provide the required assistance in the form of expertise and man power in times of national urgency and distress. Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force comprises of officers and sailors of all branches in Sri Lanka Navy as indicated in the extra ordinary Gazette notification of No.656/25 dated 02nd April 1991.
To pursue in the accomplishment of the envisaged goals of the Sri Lanka Navy of protecting and safeguarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the nation through determination and concerted efforts of the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force.
To supplement and to provide the Regular Naval Force with the required assistance in the execution of the role and tasks of the Navy drawing expertise from diverse fields in the civilian strata.
VNF personnel not on active service are required to participate in the weekend camps held once a month and annual camps concluded with Commander of the Navy's inspection. The Volunteer Naval Force Headquarters is conducting following training programs in view to update knowledge and skills of Volunteer Naval Force personnel who are not mobilized.
* Weekend Training Camp - on every 03rd weekend of each month.
*Annual Training Camp - in the month of September or each year.

The history of the Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF) is in fact the history of the Navy in Sri Lanka and it is mandatory to make references to Ceylon Naval Volunteer Force (CNVF) and Ceylon Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (CRNVR) events of which led to formation of the VNF. Ceylon Naval Volunteer Force (CNVF) raised by "Volunteer Naval Defense Force" act 1. of 1937 under the command of Commander WG Beauchamp, VRD, CBE (Later Captain) with 12 officers and 18 sailors. Batches of sailors had been recruited and trained as seaman/lascars, signalmen and gunners with sea training in 1938 and 1939. 14th June 1939 - The new Ceylon Naval Volunteer Force (CNVF) Headquarters is declared open by Mr. D.S. Senanayake, the Minister of the State Council The CNVF headquarters was first established at Kochchikade two days before the outbreak of World War II, on 11th January 1939. The CNVF was mobilized and deployed especially in defence of Colombo and Trincomalee harbours. Later the CNVF was taken over by the British Navy on 01st October 1943, and renamed as "Ceylon Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve" and after the allied forces won the war, the CRNVR was again handed over to Government of Ceylon in 1946. Royal Ceylon Volunteer Force was sanctioned and formed on 09th January 1952 as per the Navy Act 34 of 1950. The officers and sailors of the CRNVR who were not on active service on the date immediately preceding Navy act came in to operation formed the nucleus of the Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force (RCVNF). With the dawn of new era, gaining full independence and the country transformed into a republic on 22nd May 1972, the Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force became the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF).

Ladies and Gentlemen with professions in Government or Private sectors or without professions possessing stipulated academic and professional qualifications can join as Commissioned Officers to the branches of Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force viz-a-viz Executive / Medical / Electrical / Mechanic / Electronic / Engineering / IT etc, and they can be proud of shouldering prestigious Commissions in the Volunteer Naval Force being employed in the civvies; and are called out for active service when their services are deemed necessary. Members of the Volunteer Force are entitled for all the privileges in the civilian employment including promotions and duty leave for active service and training by law.

Anybody who wishes to be a sailor in the Volunteer Naval Force can join the respective branch including the main branch of Seaman and can re-engage in every five year and if so wishes can request for leave being released from the active service. Members of the Volunteer Naval Force are entitled for all remuneration like the members of the Regular Naval Force along with the pensions and the seniority is counted accordingly when in active service. Tradesmen in the world of work of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Information Technology can join the VNF under the Volunteer Special Scheme and they are too entitled for the said remuneration.

Rear Admiral LN Hewavitharane
WWV, RSP, USP, MPA (PIM-USJ), BSc (DS), JP (Whole Island)

Commanding Officer
Commodore (VNF) RPS Dharmasiri
PSV,BA (Hons) (Lanka)
Volunteer Naval Force
The Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force is the main arm of the Sri Lanka Navy in the civilian sphere with Naval Training vigilant in readiness to provide the required assistance in the form of expertise and man power in times of national urgency and distress. Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force comprises of officers and sailors of all branches in Sri Lanka Navy as indicated in the extra ordinary Gazette notification of No.656/25 dated 02nd April 1991.
To pursue in the accomplishment of the envisaged goals of the Sri Lanka Navy of protecting and safeguarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the nation through determination and concerted efforts of the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force.
To supplement and to provide the Regular Naval Force with the required assistance in the execution of the role and tasks of the Navy drawing expertise from diverse fields in the civilian strata.
VNF personnel not on active service are required to participate in the weekend camps held once a month and annual camps concluded with Commander of the Navy's inspection. The Volunteer Naval Force Headquarters is conducting following training programs in view to update knowledge and skills of Volunteer Naval Force personnel who are not mobilized.
* Weekend Training Camp - on every 03rd weekend of each month.
*Annual Training Camp - in the month of September or each year.

The history of the Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF) is in fact the history of the Navy in Sri Lanka and it is mandatory to make references to Ceylon Naval Volunteer Force (CNVF) and Ceylon Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (CRNVR) events of which led to formation of the VNF. Ceylon Naval Volunteer Force (CNVF) raised by "Volunteer Naval Defense Force" act 1. of 1937 under the command of Commander WG Beauchamp, VRD, CBE (Later Captain) with 12 officers and 18 sailors. Batches of sailors had been recruited and trained as seaman/lascars, signalmen and gunners with sea training in 1938 and 1939. 14th June 1939 - The new Ceylon Naval Volunteer Force (CNVF) Headquarters is declared open by Mr. D.S. Senanayake, the Minister of the State Council The CNVF headquarters was first established at Kochchikade two days before the outbreak of World War II, on 11th January 1939. The CNVF was mobilized and deployed especially in defence of Colombo and Trincomalee harbours. Later the CNVF was taken over by the British Navy on 01st October 1943, and renamed as "Ceylon Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve" and after the allied forces won the war, the CRNVR was again handed over to Government of Ceylon in 1946. Royal Ceylon Volunteer Force was sanctioned and formed on 09th January 1952 as per the Navy Act 34 of 1950. The officers and sailors of the CRNVR who were not on active service on the date immediately preceding Navy act came in to operation formed the nucleus of the Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force (RCVNF). With the dawn of new era, gaining full independence and the country transformed into a republic on 22nd May 1972, the Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force became the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF).
Former Commandants VNF

Rear Admiral SMB Weerasekara
(From 05.04.2011 to 22.10.2012)

Rear Admiral AR Amarasinghe
(From 17.12.2012 to 24.03.2013)

Rear Admiral SS Ranasinghe
(From 25.03.2013 to 23.07.2014)

Rear Admiral PADR Perera
(From 24.07.2014 to 08.11.2014)

Rear Admiral NKD Nanayakkara
(From 09.11.2014 to 23.06.2015)

Rear Admiral NAN Sarathsena
(From 24.06.2015 to 30.08.2015)

Rear Admiral SWC Mohotty
(From 31.08.2015 to 19.10.2015)

Rear Admiral DEC Jayakody
(From 20.10.2015 to 31.12.2015)

Rear Admiral TJL Sinniah
(From 01.01.2016 to 30.05.2016)

Rear Admiral NBJ Rosayro
(From 31.05.2016 to 04.12.2017)

Rear Admiral NPS Attygalle
(From 05.12.2017 to 07.03.2018)

Rear Admiral DNS Ulugetenne
(From 08.03.2018 to 06.03.2019)

Rear Admiral WASS Perera
(From 11.03.2019 to 10.12.2019)
RAdm SA Weerasinghe
(From 06.12.2019 to 18.12.2019)
(From 22.03.2020 to 28.06.2020)
RAdm DNSC Kalubowila
(From 19.12.2019 to 21.03.2020)
RAdm KAS Uthpala
(From 11.03.2019 to 10.12.2019)

RAdm AUC De Silva
(From 29.06.2020 to 08.09.2020) (From 14.06.2021 to 03.01.2022)

RAdm AMS Senevirathne
(From 03.01.2022 to 04.05.2022)

RAdm TMAA Tennekoon
(From 04.05.2022 to 11.07.2022)

RAdm HGUD Kumara
(From 09.07.2022 to 20.08.2023)

RAdm TSK Perera
(From 01.09.2023 to 19.02.2024)
Former Commanding officers of VNF

RAdm GRM De Mel
(From 09.01.1952 to 31.01.1954)

Cdr AV Frugtniet
(From 01.02.1954 to 31.08.1957)

Cdr AC Dassanayake
(From 01.09.1957 to 31.09.1960)

Capt William Molegoda
(From 01.10.1960 to 30.09.1965)

Cmde DV Hunter
(From 01.10.1965 to 31.12.1968)

Capt J De S Wijerathne, JP
(From 01.01.1969 to 31.12.1973)

Capt JM De Costa
(From 01.01.1974 to 31.12.1978)

VAdm HA Silva, VSV
(From 01.01.1979 to 31.05.1980)

Capt VAJ Mendis, Attorney-at law
(From 01.06.1980 to 31.05.1985)

Capt AHT Fernando
(From 01.06.1985 to 31.05.1988)

Capt WPJS Jayasinghe PSV, JP
(From 01.06.1988 to 31.05.1993)

Capt RA Palipane PSV
(From 01.06.1993 to 31.08.1996)

Capt HD Nandasena PSV, AAE FIMI (UK), FIAE(SL)
(From 01.09.1996 to 05.03.1998)

(From 06.03.1998 to 05.03.2001)

Capt DA Gunawardene PSV, BSc
(From 06.03.2001 to 06.10.2002)

Cmde BH Pushpakumara PSV, AIV, DIV, DIA
(From 07.10.2002 to 06.10.2005)

Cmde V Jayarathne PSV, BA (SL), LLB, Attoney-at Law
(From 07.10.2005 to 06.10.2008)

Capt A Herathbanda PSV, BCom (Special)
(From 07.10.2008 to 06.10.2011)

Cmde IMP Sarath PSV, BA (Econ), LLB
(From 07.10.2011 to 07.10.2014)

Cmde LM Hadunge PSV, BA (Lanka)
(From 08.10.2014 to 02.02.2016)

Cmde DLT Kannangara PSV, BSc, MBS
(From 02.03.2016 to 10.02.2017)

Cmde WMJ Wijekoon PSV, MA, BA
(From 11.02.2017 to 10.08.2018)

Cmde KTM Perera PSV, BSc (Agric)
(From 11.08.2018 to 19.05.2020)

Cmde JKK Gamage
(From 19.05.2022 to 17.11.2022)

Ladies and Gentlemen with professions in Government or Private sectors or without professions possessing stipulated academic and professional qualifications can join as Commissioned Officers to the branches of Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force viz-a-viz Executive / Medical / Electrical / Mechanic / Electronic / Engineering / IT etc, and they can be proud of shouldering prestigious Commissions in the Volunteer Naval Force being employed in the civvies; and are called out for active service when their services are deemed necessary. Members of the Volunteer Force are entitled for all the privileges in the civilian employment including promotions and duty leave for active service and training by law.

Anybody who wishes to be a sailor in the Volunteer Naval Force can join the respective branch including the main branch of Seaman and can re-engage in every five year and if so wishes can request for leave being released from the active service. Members of the Volunteer Naval Force are entitled for all remuneration like the members of the Regular Naval Force along with the pensions and the seniority is counted accordingly when in active service. Tradesmen in the world of work of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Information Technology can join the VNF under the Volunteer Special Scheme and they are too entitled for the said remuneration.