Sri Lanka Navy Marine

The evolution of tense situation in early 1980s in the country demanded for a group of Naval personnel who are well capable of Land Operations. To accomplish this requirement a platoon of naval personnel chosen from the Seaman and Volunteer branches was formed. They were initially deployed for security duties in costal and land areas. Marking a significant feat in the SLN history, the first 3 Naval battalions namely; Vijayaba, Valagamba and Gajaba were established in 1997. These battalions were comprised of 49 officers and 3,000 sailors. Upon immersed them in Army Battalion Training Course, the new combatants were straightaway dispatched to engage the enemy in the Operation Jayasikuru.
Soon after the cessation of hostilities in 2009, a certain level of reorganization in the NPM Branch, with over 5,000 naval personnel, was felt in complying with the core functions and duties of the Sri Lanka Navy. As part of this initiative, the first amphibious group including 300 naval personnel was brought into being by giving them specialized training of 45 days, in early part of 2016.
Subsequently, it was decided to set up a Marine Battalion absorbing officers and sailors from the NPM Branch.
Marking yet another significant milestone in this regard, the US and Sri Lanka Navy senior officers could deliberate more on this area of concern and Marine training, during the Staff Talk held on-board USS Blue Ridge on 29th September 2016. Incidentally, the inception of the Marine Battalion materialized due to yet another visionary concept of the Commander of the Navy and with the blessings of HE the President. The SLN Marine Battalion which is a master of amphibious operations, is fully fledged in undertaking any form of threat coming from the seas and making use of the beaches across the country for their favour.
Primary Role
Conduct amphibious operations.
Secondary Role
Marine Battalion may task to carryout following duties during the peace time in extreme situations with the directives of the Commander of the Navy. Marine Battalion is to conduct full range of operations from humanitarian aids and disaster relief from land and sea.